Facial Cupping

$75 Single Treatment | $40 Add on

Facial cupping works to increase oxygen-rich blood circulation to the skin, strengthening connective tissue and stimulating fibroblast cells. These cells are responsible for collagen and elastin production which when stimulated, helps to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Face cups are non-invasive advanced facial treatments derived from traditional Chinese medicine. We offer full facial & body cupping services, along with the option to do it as a skincare add-on!

Advanced Cupping

Advanced Facial Cupping Therapy used a machine that provides negative pressure with far infrared, negative ions and magnetic vibration.

What makes Advanced Cupping unique are the additional therapeutic benefits derived from far infrared, negative ions, magnetics and vibration that promote your health naturally!

  • A feature of cupping machine technology - the invisible wave of heat energy that provides all the healing components of natural infrared light without any of the negative effects of sun exposure.

  • Oxygen atoms charged with extra electrons. They are created in nature by the effects of water, air, sunlight and the Earth’s inherent radiation. Negatively charged ions are most prevalent in natural places and particularly around moving water or after a thunderstorm.

    People sometimes feel a giddy sensation when they go from a closed, airtight room to a forest, beach, waterfall or other natural setting where the air is fresh and in motion. That’s because air in motion forms a negative oxygen ion from the combination of oxygen molecules in the air with free electrons. Negative oxygen ions are known in the medical profession as vitamin O, the air vitamin, or the longevity factor because of their health benefits.

  • Applies magnetic fields that activate the body’s natural electromagnetic impulse to assist healing, provide pain relief and support optimal health. The brain works by communicating through electromagnetic frequencies that can be stimulated by internal or external forces. Interactions between the body and the electromagnetic environment occur continually, forming the biorhythms that also determine the biological clock of the body. The brain and immune system are constantly sending messages to each other via electromagnetic impulses. Both are intricately influenced by energy frequencies.

    Magnetic Therapy applies magnetic fields that activate the body’s natural electromagnetic impulse to assist healing, provide pain relief and support optimal health. The brain works by communicating through electromagnetic frequencies that can be stimulated by internal or external forces. Interactions between the body and the electromagnetic environment occur continually, forming the biorhythms that also determine the biological clock of the body. The brain and immune system are constantly sending messages to each other via electromagnetic impulses. Both are intricately influenced by energy frequencies.

  • Advanced Cupping provides high frequency vibration (7200b/m vibration). When vibrations are transmitted to the body, they cause muscles to contract and relax. They also increase the production of osteoblasts – cells that produce bone tissue.

Facial cupping offers several benefits for skin health and overall well-being. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Increased Circulation: Facial cups help stimulate blood flow to the skin, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues. This increased circulation can promote a healthy glow, improve skin tone, and enhance the overall complexion.

  • Lymphatic Drainage: Cupping can aid in lymphatic drainage, helping to remove toxins, reduce puffiness, and improve the overall detoxification process in the facial area. This can result in a more sculpted and defined facial contour.

  • Reduced Tension and TMJ Relief: Facial cupping treatment can help relieve muscle tension and tightness, particularly in the jaw and facial muscles. It can provide relief from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, facial pain, and headaches associated with muscle tension.

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Facial cupping techniques often involve gentle massage movements, providing a relaxing and soothing experience. This can help reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and promote a sense of overall well-being.

  • Stimulated Collagen Production: The suction created by facial cupping can stimulate collagen and elastin production, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. This can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and promote a more youthful complexion.

  • Natural Face Lift Effect: Regular facial cupping treatments can contribute to a natural face lift effect by toning and tightening the skin, reducing the appearance of sagging and promoting a more lifted and rejuvenated appearance.